Epping Surgery Centre 34 Boronia Ave, Epping NSW 2121

(02) 9868 6555

ESC Microscope Trials: Zeiss and Leica

ESC Microscope Trials: Zeiss and Leica

The Epping Surgery Centre is focused on further acquiring the latest technological advancements in all surgical cutting-edge procedures.

To assist surgeon decision-making, trials were conducted for two powerful microscope technologies available in the industry; the Leica and Zeiss microscopes.

The trials were held on Tuesday 20 June 2017 – Friday 28 July 2017 with 2 weeks of precise methodological testing with distributors from the Leica Organisation visited and provided their technical expertise in consideration of acquisitions in product development.

The trials were held on Monday 20 November 2017 – Friday 15 December 2017. Zeiss’ technical representatives were present providing their technical expertise in consideration of acquisitions for the product.

Results were collected for review and feedback determination to the board. Decisions for purchasing two ceiling mounted microscopes of the same brand are progressively under review.

A decision for the preferred microscope for installation at the new centre will be made shortly.