Optomonline opened in 2009 as a way to support the Optometrist community. The free-to-use website allowed Optometrists to complete online education modules at their own pace and leisure and gain CPD points from the comfort of their own home. Since opening, over 1,600 Optometrists have taken advantage of Optomonline, with new modules being released on a monthly basis.
This year, Optomonline is being revamped in order to better meet the evolving demands of the Optometrist community. The new site will have a sleeker, modern aesthetic, with a focus on viewing on mobile platforms. The site will run faster than the original, with an easy to understand system for both content creators and users. Furthermore, a new classified sections will connect users to hire staff and buy and sell equipment and facilities.
Progress on the site has been steady and we are close to releasing a finalised product. We hope that the new Optomonline will be continue to meet and exceed the expectations of the Optometrist community, for years to come.
Keep watching this space to see when the new and improved Optomonline goes live.
The new improved Optomonline landing page