Epping Surgery Centre 34 Boronia Ave, Epping NSW 2121

(02) 9868 6555

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

The Epping Surgery Centre as a centre of excellence is committed to providing the best possible healthcare and outcome for its patients. The centre has a commitment to the Privacy Act and Principles and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. An integral part of providing this standard of care is ensuring that patients are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

The Epping Surgery Centre is a privately owned and operated medical facility, in which the rights of patients are guarded under State and Commonwealth laws.
Patients of the Epping Surgery Centre have the right to:

    • Access to healthcare services and treatment relevant to their needs
    • Receive safe and high quality healthcare that meets National Standards in an environment that feels safe
    • To be treated as an individual and with dignity and respect for their culture, identity, beliefs and choices
    • Partnership in the planning and care
    • Be informed about our facilities, services and treatment options, outcomes, referrals to other services and costs in a clear and open manner
    • Respect for personal privacy and confidentiality of personal and medical information
    • Provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting their care and have their concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way. To share experiences and participate to improve care

Patients of the Epping Surgery Centre have a responsibility to:

    • Provide accurate and personal information
    • Follow all instructions given by doctors and nursing staff
    • Respect the rights of other patients
    • Provide health fund details prior to admission or alternatively, provide full payment on admission

Click here to download Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.

Click here to download Healthcare Rights for People with Cognitive Impairment.

Click here to download Communicating with your Healthcare Provider.

Click here to find out about the REACH (Recognise, Engage, Act, Call, Help is on its way) system.